Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash
The break went really fast! The new round of ROW80 started Monday, but I haven’t even put up my goals yet. So here they are.
I realized last round that there was a lot missing from my story. I’ve spent time finding where the holes are (my midpoint is nonexistant!). This round my goal is to complete a Snowflake Method outline for the story. I’m going to be using some tips and tricks from Holly Lisle, too, so I can get it worked out and ready for a rewrite that will, hopefully, actually work.
I’m also participating in Camp NaNoWriMo, and I set myself a goal of 20,000 words. I’m barely started on that, but as I get to the longer sections of the snowflake I think I’ll probably get to that. We’ll see. Mostly I’m participating because I like having a goal to aim for and someplace to share word counts.
So that’s it. Goals, ready and waiting for me to get them done. See you Sunday for an update. writ