Can you believe I was thinking that?
I didn’t write this week.  I had a couple of things going on that changed my normal schedule, and it threw me off track.  So then I wasn’t going to do a ROW80 post this week because I have nothing to report, and really it’s kind of embarrassing to admit that the first week out of the gate, the first week when I was going to actually be putting words on paper for a story, I did nothing (well, no actual writing of story, but I did change a few things that made my plan for my opening scene much better I think).
But not posting when I’ve had a bad week is a bad idea.  So, here’s my “nothing  to report” report.
Back on the horse. Cutting out the weekly word count goal right now until I re-establish a regular writing routine. Â That’s my plan for this week. Â Write three times, even if it’s one sentence each time. Â Just write something.
Do you have a plan for the week? Â Let’s be in this together!
I am notorious for bad starts to ROW80! Don’t let it get to you. (And posting regardless is definitely the way to go).
My plan for the rest of the week is “stop freaking out about going back to school next week and write something!” Because once semester actually starts next week, my writing time is going to essentially disappear.
That’s a good plan, Emily. It’s pretty much what I’m planning, too. Just write something that’s actual story words. We can do this! Looking forward to next week to see how we do.
That happens sometimes. I think your plan sounds good until you can get a routine going again. Good luck!
My plan is to create poem/prose twin set about an ancestor and edit/revise them more than once. I am also going to a poetry reading tonight..icing on the cake.
Pamela, that sounds wonderful! I love that idea about a poetry/prose set. Enjoy the writing and the poetry reading!
Hey, everyday is a chance to do better and I applaud you for posting even a meager update. By posting anyway you are starting a good habit. Cheers to you!!
May your week be better~~